Saturday, September 27, 2014

Cats Have Definite Opinions About Things

Having been a cat owner for ten years now, I know this to be a fact!  The pictures that I see on the Internet that really crack me up are the ones with captions showing how strongly cats believe in having their own opinions of themselves and you.  Would like to share some of these now.

We'll start with this one because it seems to sum it all up in one picture:

Yup, that pretty well says it.  Let's see if we can find examples of other attitudes.  When I first brought my two cats here, my Mom had a lot of plants around the house.  Within a few months, some had to be removed because Sammy was eating the leaves.  I guess he was trying to tell us this:

We have many terms of endearment for our furry companions, but perhaps they have an opinion about that.

They have very definite ideas about showing love and affection!  That's mainly for when THEY are in the mood.

You learn very quickly about the moods of your cat and how to read them.  I've never tried to put mine in a tub of water for a bath (I use a wet washcloth), but I'm sure this is the reaction I would get!

They love to bring you gifts (?) to show they care.  I have friends whose cats bring in dead birds, lizards, and even a snake!  You should accept these gifts graciously because:

Did you ever notice how some dogs and cats get along?  Sometimes, it's okay.  Other times?  Well...........

And on that note, it's time to close down the blog for today.  Hope you enjoyed!  Please share any attitudes you laugh at with your cats.

Marion Lovato is the author of Sam, the Superkitty.  Her book describes an ordinary cat changing into a superhero to protect his family from things that go bump in the night.  Available on Amazon as a paperback or Kindle edition.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Wish I Could Live Like a Cat

As I was flying around the house the other day getting ready to go somewhere (again!), I looked at Kirby and Sammy sleeping or eating and thought to myself, "What a life. They have it made!"  That gave me the idea of comparing my week to their week in my blog.  Hope you enjoy.  We'll start with Monday.


Me:   Meet with prayer group at church for a short service, an hour of Senior Conditioning, and coffee with my friend, Georgia.  Sometimes I also have an appointment with the chiropractor.  Usually work on Social Media, editing my new book, or writing a short story for a website.


Me:  Have line dancing and coffee in the morning.  Really hit the writing hard on Tuesday afternoon to get ready to post three blogs during the coming weekend.


Me:  Starting to get busier now.  Senior Conditioning and coffee in the morning for an hour.  Caregivers from ten until noon since I'm caring for my 95-year-old mother who still lives in her own home!  Have to catch up with Social Media and promotion in the afternoon.


Me:  Oh, boy!  Line dancing and coffee to start off with, lunch with friends, and coffee in the afternoon with a different group of friends.  On this day, I'm lucky if I even get my e-mail sorted!


Me:  A little bit of a breather finally!  Senior Conditioning and coffee in the morning with shopping and cleaning in the afternoon.  Do manage to get some e-mail taken care of.


Me:  Trying to catch up with Social Media, promotion, writing, and anything around the house.


Me:  This is MY time!  After church, it's football the rest of the day.  LOVE it!

There you have it in a nutshell.  Would love to see your comments about your week or how your pet reacts to certain things you do.

Marion Lovato is the author of Sam, the Superkitty.  Her book describes an ordinary cat changing into a superhero to protect his family from things that go bump in the night.  Available on Amazon as a paperback or Kindle edition.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

The Meaning of Life

Tommy, and his friend, Bob, the cat, were talking about the meaning of life one day.  It wasn't a very serious talk since Tommy was very young and Bob was a cat.  However, Bob could talk which made it easy for Tommy to understand him.  They took turns telling each other what they thought life was all about.

Tommy told Bob about how his day would go most of the time.  Mom would get him up in the morning to eat breakfast and get dressed.  He would play for a while or listen to a story that Mom would read if she had time.  Then it would be time for lunch.  He would have to take a nap in the afternoon.  It was always fun when Dad came home because he would play with Tommy until supper.  They would all sit around the table and visit about their day.  Pretty soon, it was time to go to bed.  Tommy thought that his life was boring sometimes, except for the playing part, of course.

Bob told Tommy that he had done some of the same things when he was a kitten.  Momma would give him breakfast in the morning and almost clean the fur right off of him.  Playing was a lot of fun, but he couldn't do it for very long without getting sleepy.  Sometimes he played with Momma; sometimes he played with hoomans like Tommy.  It seemed like he slept a lot when he was little.  His Momma was always close by to protect him and his brothers and sisters.  Momma taught him many things so he would be able to take care of himself when he grew up.

By this time, Tommy needed to go home.  As they were saying goodbye, they decided what life was all about.

Marion Lovato is the author of Sam, the Superkitty.  Her book describes an ordinary cat changing into a superhero to protect his family from things that go bump in the night.  Available on Amazon as a paperback or Kindle edition.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Okay, Let Me 'Splain It Again!

Time for another original story. Let me know if you like it.

Ralph and Fluffy lived together in the same house.  Ralph was a dog; Fluffy was a kitten.  Ralph didn't think the same way Fluffy did which would upset Fluffy.  He would try to be very patient with Ralph, but sometimes it was hard.  He talked to him many times about how cats and dogs should get along, but Ralph wouldn't listen.

Fluffy had a very comfortable bed of his own, but Ralph would always lay on part of it so he could be close to Fluffy.  He loved Fluffy very much and thought he was the greatest thing since peanut butter was invented.  Fluffy had cat food to eat; Ralph had dog food.  For some reason, Ralph thought that cat food tasted better than dog food and always ate some of Fluffy's food.  The humans thought Fluffy had eaten it and wouldn't give Fluffy any more until the next feeding time.

Ralph loved to play with toys and would always bring them to Fluffy so they could play together.  It seemed that he couldn't understand cats sleep 18 hours a day and don't want to play all the time.  Having to wake up when he wasn't ready really made Fluffy crabby!  One day, Fluffy decided that he'd had enough!!  It was time to talk to Ralph and make him understand how he should act!  From that day on, there were no more problems.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Home Improvements For a Cat (According to the Cat!!)

 I have a wonderful friend, Viv Drewa, who keeps me in stitches with her pictures and blogs about cats.  Since the last two weeks have been about moving, I wanted to share her latest thoughts about home improvements for cats.  (The pictures are from my gallery)  Here's what she has to say:

Tonight I’m looking at how cats would like their homes improved. This list covers things as simple as lower counters to as complex as landing strips- yes, I did type landing strips.

Cats are simple in their wants, but sometimes they still want a few changes in their lives. One thing all cats want is a long stretch of carpet to run on, a landing strip of sorts. It’s much better for stopping on, tile and wood floors just don’t allow a poor cat to dig in their claws to implement a 180 degree turn, which in turn can endanger your cat. So do them a favor and get nice thick carpeting- there’s a reason it’s called carpet.

Lower counters are also something cats would all enjoy, it would make looking for snacks much easier.


In-floor sinks are also something most cats would enjoy, with faucets that they can use. Let’s face it, we humans are not the only ones who enjoy a nice fresh glass of water.

Floor mounted ice cream dispenser… come to think of it, I’d like one of these myself.

Purr activated treat dispenser. Enough said.

All two cat households should also be equipped with a wrestling or boxing ring.

One last thing all cats wish they had is a spring-loaded mouse catapult. Catch the mouse, place it in the catapult and next thing you know there’s a mouse in space.

Hop over and read some of Viv's blog.  You'll find something funny and interesting, I'm sure.  Look forward to your comments.

Marion Lovato is the author of Sam, the Superkitty.  Her book describes an ordinary cat changing into a superhero to protect his family from things that go bump in the night.  Available on Amazon as a paperback or Kindle edition.