Saturday, June 28, 2014

Is Your Cat Ready to Travel? Part 2

Jackson Galaxy, host of Animal Planet’s wildly popular My Cat From Hell, also has some tips for those of you who are traveling this summer.  If there’s one thing the Cat Daddy knows, it’s how to care for a misunderstood feline; the animal activist and musician travels with a guitar case full of cat toys. He also knows how to make a hotel room feel like home, for you and your four-legged travel companion.

What are some of the tips you’d offer to someone traveling with a pet? In terms of keeping the pet itself comfortable.
One of the biggest things is making sure you have your pet emergency kit. You want to make sure that everything your pets needs to stay comfortable—and just in case of emergency—is with you. You can temper that kit if you’re flying as opposed to driving, but you want to make sure you have the essentials.
You also want to make sure that you’re familiar with the lay of the land of the place you’re going. If you have friends there, ask them about the vets or amenities they use in their day to day. The great thing about animal people is that we’re a tribe, and to be able to get yourself into that tribe no matter where you are, I think that’s helpful as well.

As for hotels: It’s not enough for a hotel to be animal friendly; you want to set up your animal’s space. Just as you crave stability and ritual in your life, they crave it a whole lot more. It’s important for them—no matter where you are—that their ritual stays the same. You have the ability to bring the bowls that they use. If you’re traveling with a cat, when you get there, you want to make sure that you replicate the litter box you have at home the best you can. That is the surefire way of getting your animal comfortable in their new environment.

What about tips for travelers who have to leave their pets behind?
For some reason folks feel like it’s okay to put out a bowl of food and that’s it—your cats are good for three days. Just because cats don’t protest as loudly as dogs do does not mean that they don’t experience that same distress when you remove their day-to-day rituals and people. You want to keep those rituals intact the best you can. It’s not about, “Oh, I have a friend who will stop by and feed them.” Hire a pet sitter, someone who will come over once or twice a day. Or, if your pet is really needy, do an overnight. It’s important to keep that stability. If you don’t do it, you may be saving a buck here or there, but you’re also tempting fate when it comes to behavior problems. There are so many problems that are born from separation anxiety, so why take that chance? You want to make sure that your animals are as happy at home as you are on vacation.

Think this pet owner might be in trouble!!!!!!!!!!!  Please share any experiences that you've had with either bringing your cat(s) with you or leaving them at home.  I'm sure all of you have some stories to tell!

Marion Lovato is the author of Sam, the Superkitty.  Her book describes an ordinary cat changing into a superhero to protect his family from things that go bump in the night.  Available on Amazon as a paperback or Kindle edition.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Cats From G to L

Six letters down; only twenty more to go!  Moving right along........................

G is for Gravity

H is for Hugs

I is for Idiot Friends

J is for Jackpot

K is for Kid

L is for Learning

Are you sad this is the end of the post?  Here's something to keep you going until the next one!

Marion Lovato is the author of Sam, the Superkitty.  Her book describes an ordinary cat changing into a superhero to protect his family from things that go bump in the night.  Available on Amazon as a paperback or Kindle edition.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Is Your Cat Ready to Travel? Part 1

Summer is here which means that people are going to be out and about enjoying the weather, activities, family occasions, etc.  Some pet parents like to have their pet(s) with them when they go on vacation.  I found some good information to share with you about ways to make this more comfortable for your pet(s), which, in turn, will make you much happier.  There are several good blogs about this, so I will do this in parts.  Use whatever you think will work the best for your pet(s).

Our first blog is written by jmaloni from the website Trips With

When it comes to pets, dogs travel with their humans the most often. In fact, they account for over 85 percent of pet travelers. This makes sense; most dogs are happy to go on adventures. They love car rides and can't wait to hop in and head out anywhere, whether it's down the street to the park or halfway across the country on an extended road trip.

Cats, on the other hand, are not so keen on traveling by car. One reason is a difference in temperament - they're just not as adaptable and adventurous as dogs. Another is the fact the bulk of their travel experience tends to involve going back and forth to the vet.

There are times when cat parents do need to transport their furry felines by car, and the prospect can be stressful for everyone involved. Moving in particular poses a big quandary, especially if the move is long distance. Cat parents are understandably apprehensive at the thought of putting a terrified Fluffy in the car and then traveling for hours on end.

There are also times when cat parents would simply like to include their cat in their daily travels, but aren't sure about the best way to keep them comfortable and safe.

To help ease your mind and make traveling with your cat travel experience a better one for both of you, here are seven steps that can effectively prepare your pet for car travel.

1. Pet Carrier Training: You should always use a pet travel carrier when traveling by car. The carrier should offer enough space for your cat to stand up, turn around, and lie down in comfortably, and should have proper ventilation. To get your cat used to the cat carrier, place it inside your home with the door open, and put some enticing items like kibble, toys or catnip inside. Allow him to go in and out of the carrier at his leisure until he feels comfortable being inside of it.  (I did this finally; it really DOES make a difference.)

2. Familiarity is Comfort: Cats are highly sensitive to the environment and very protective of their territory. Making the car part of the cat's territory is a good way to help him adapt to car rides. Start by placing a towel or blanket with your cat's scent on the seat of the car. Then take your cat into the car with you and close the doors. Let him explore, rub around, and spread his scent around the car. Repeat this for a few minutes each day, gradually increasing the time you spend in the car as you go along.

3. Positive Reinforcement: Once your cat feels calm and comfortable in the car, begin feeding him in the car every day for at least a week. If your cat isn't particularly food-motivated, let him indulge in some play or catnip instead. Associating the car with good, happy things will help make your cat a better traveler.

4. Introduce Carrier in Car: Once your cat sees the car as his territory and the source of good things, you can introduce him to the idea of being inside the travel carrier in the car. Place your cat in the carrier, and put the carrier in the back seat or cargo area of your vehicle, making sure that the carrier is secure and away from airbags. Then, turn on the engine. Don't drive anywhere - just let your cat get used to the noise and vibration. Do this at least three times a day until your cat gets used to it. Make sure to reward your cat for his patience as soon as he is let out of his carrier.

5. Short Rides: Once your cat is used to the car and engine, it's time to get moving. Start by driving up and down the length of your driveway a few times. When the ride is over, take your cat into the house and reward him with playtime and treats. When you feel he's ready, extend your trip and drive around the block. Continue taking drives with your cat, gradually increasing the length and duration of the ride each time, and taking care to reward him after each new step in the process. Be sure to take things slowly and listen to your cat - he will let you know if he's not comfortable with the speed of the "car training."

6. Calm Energy: Your cat can sense your energy. If you are feeling hyped up and stressed, he will too. It's very important for you to stay calm, relaxed and unhurried throughout the process.

7. Potty Breaks: If you're traveling a long distance, you'll need to consider the issue of potty breaks for your cat. Some cat parents have their cats harness trained, which allows them to walk their cats at rest areas along the way. If your cat is not harness trained, it is probably best to keep your drive time down to eight hours at most. You know your cat best, so this time could vary.

Helping your cat become more comfortable traveling in a car definitely takes some time and a lot of patience, but if you go slowly and stick with it, you'll be rewarded with a pleasant journey that you'll both enjoy.
Safe and happy travels with your cat!

Visit this website for much more information.  If you find something you'd like to share or have stories of your own to tell, please do so. is an online resource for pet travel. Named best pet travel site by Consumer Reports,'s mission is to offer resources that ensure pets are welcome, happy and safe while traveling. The website features a directory of pet-friendly hotels and accommodations across the U.S. and Canada, as well as airline and car rental pet policies; pet-friendly restaurants, beaches and events; a user-friendly route search option; pet travel tips; pet travel supplies; and other pet travel resources.
Author Kim Salerno is the president and founder of She founded the pet travel site in 2003 and is an expert in the field of pet travel. Her mission is to ensure pets are welcome, happy and safe in their travels.

Marion Lovato is the author of Sam, the Superkitty.  Her book describes an ordinary cat changing into a superhero to protect his family from things that go bump in the night.  Available on Amazon as a paperback or Kindle edition.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Cats From A to F

Well, this is most definitely me!  Decided I would try something my friend, Raani York, did on her blog.  She's taking each letter of the alphabet, picking a subject beginning with that letter, and writing a blog about it.  It's taking her a while!  It's a cute idea, so I'm going to try it here with pictures.  Don't worry!!  Not doing the whole alphabet at one time.  You can breathe now.  :>)

A is for Action

B is for Blink

C is for Cat Faces

D is for Dishes

E is for Energetic

F is for Family

Don't be sad, readers.  There will be more coming.  I promise.  Until then, let me know which one is your favorite so far!

Marion Lovato is the author of Sam, the Superkitty.  Her book describes an ordinary cat changing into a superhero to protect his family from things that go bump in the night.  Available on Amazon as a paperback or Kindle edition.