Saturday, July 30, 2016

Why Your Cat Will Play With Just About Anything

For humans, summer is the time to play and relax as much as possible. Go camping, golfing, fishing, take a vacation or whatever you choose to do to unwind. Cats have the luxury of being able to play every day regardless of the weather or where they are living. According to a cat behavioral consultant, Daniel Quaghozzi, from San Francisco, most domestic cats are pretty bored. We, as humans, underestimate the amount of interactive play they need on a daily basis. We get excited about a brand new toy we've bought them, but most of the time, they prefer the packaging it came in! Sound familiar?

Let's take a look at some cats playing with THEIR choice of toys.

They get their exercise for the day playing with this.

Nice try, but not a good excuse!

Cardboard is always a favorite toy.

Don't think you'd want to see this!

Or this!

Sometimes you might not even know they've been playing around unless.........

Sometimes they want to play with "little humans".

They might get a surprise when they play with adults.

And, of course, there's always the dog.

To sum up, cats don't always get excited to play with the toys we think they should.

Sometimes our cats can be too curious for their own good. And while it's fun to watch them turn just about anything into a toy, we have to be careful about what they can get their paws on. Stringlike objects, such as yarn, can cause intestinal blockages or strangulation. Plastic bags can suffocate and the handles can get caught on a cat's neck. Small objects could be chocking hazards. Always use your good judgement.

What kind of everyday materials does your cat like to play with? Would love to hear your stories.

Marion Lovato is the author of Sam, the Superkitty.  Her book describes an ordinary cat changing into a superhero to protect his family from things that go bump in the night.  Available on Amazon as a paperback or Kindle edition.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Thoughts About a Mother's Love

As I attend my mother's Memorial Service today, my thoughts are about love. She loved God, her church and her family. Although she wouldn't admit it to me, she also loved my two male cats. Today this blog is about a cat's love in tribute to Mom.

Some cats are just irresistible!

Their purrs are good for your health.

Their love is very comforting.

They practice patience.

They show their love in many ways.

And finally, some advice.

Thank you, Mom, for everything.

Marion Lovato is the author of Sam, the Superkitty.  Her book describes an ordinary cat changing into a superhero to protect his family from things that go bump in the night.  Available on Amazon as a paperback or Kindle edition.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

What Do Cats Think About Summer?

Based on what I have observed about cats, I would say they think summer is a good time for many things such as:

Adding something new to the breakfast menu.

Not having to worry about slipping and sliding while chasing the dog.

Unless, of course, you're so bored that you WANT to play with the dog!

Meeting new friends in the neighborhood.

Falling asleep wherever you are comfortable because....

you are so tired that you can't stay awake.

Being able to enjoy fresh fruit.

Playing hide and seek.

Having conversations with a good buddy.

And finally, swinging with your best friend!

Yes, indeed, there are many things that your furry friend can enjoy during the summer. Just remember the tips from last week about how to keep them cool. How do you have fun with your cat during the summer?

Marion Lovato is the author of Sam, the Superkitty.  Her book describes an ordinary cat changing into a superhero to protect his family from things that go bump in the night.  Available on Amazon as a paperback or Kindle edition.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Answers to Is YOUR Cat a HOT Mess?

Last week was a quiz from the Catster Magazine. There were four answers to each question. Let's see what the magazine said about your choices.

1. Your weather app indicates it's going to be a scorcher of a day. Your home isn't air conditioned, so how do you keep your cat comfortable?

     a. Place fans near their favorite resting spots as well as food and water dishes. (Excellent)
     b. Place one fan by their food and water dishes so they can feel cool while they drink and eat. (Good)

2. You have to leave for several hours, and the temps are escalating. What kind of cool treat should you leave for your kitty?

     a. Leave catsicles in their dishes. (Excellent) This is frozen cat food.
     b. Refrigerated cat food. (Good)

3. The heat is boiling and even indoor cats have an increased need for fresh water during the summer months. How do you keep your cat's water dish cool and refreshing while you're away from home?

     a. Place ice cubes in a cat fountain which provides a constant flow of oxygenated water. (Excellent)
     b. Place ice cubes in your cat's water bowl. (Good)

4. Signs of heatstroke include panting, lethargy, drooling, fever, vomiting, and collapsing. How do you protect your cat's rising body temp from the dog days of summer?

     a. Place frozen water bottles in their cat bed and other regular resting places. (Excellent)
     b. Regularly rub your kitty with a cool washcloth. (Good)

5. Your cat needs comfortable places to sleep during a heat wave. How do you help that hot cat find his cool while you're gone for the day?

     a. Make sure rooms with cool floors, like basements, are readily available. (Excellent)
     b. Move kitty's food and litter box to the bathroom creating a cozy sanctuary with cool sinks and tubs for napping. (Good)

6. Families can become busy during the summer, but cats still need play and interaction. What's the best way to keep your cat active during hot weather?

     a. Encourage play during the cooler hours of the morning and evening. (Excellent)
     b. Place their interactive toys in the coolest parts of your home. (Good)

7. It's unavoidable. You have to take your cat on a long car ride, and the heat is miserable. What's your plan?

     a. Keep the air conditioning blasting in the car so you and kitty don't melt. (Excellent)
     b. If there's no AC in the car, attach a portable fan to the carrier. (Good)

If you are doing all of the above things to keep your kitty comfortable during even the hottest days, you're on top of what it takes. Good for you!! A answers are what you want to strive for. Look into purchasing a water fountain; it's a good investment. The C and D answers on last week's quiz indicate that your cat is very uncomfortable and you need to make some improvements. Sometimes..............

Hope this helps with some ideas for keeping your cat cool. Do you do any of these things already or do you have some other ideas? Let us know.

Marion Lovato is the author of Sam, the Superkitty.  Her book describes an ordinary cat changing into a superhero to protect his family from things that go bump in the night.  Available on Amazon as a paperback or Kindle edition.