We'll start with this one because it seems to sum it all up in one picture:
Yup, that pretty well says it. Let's see if we can find examples of other attitudes. When I first brought my two cats here, my Mom had a lot of plants around the house. Within a few months, some had to be removed because Sammy was eating the leaves. I guess he was trying to tell us this:
We have many terms of endearment for our furry companions, but perhaps they have an opinion about that.
They have very definite ideas about showing love and affection! That's mainly for when THEY are in the mood.
You learn very quickly about the moods of your cat and how to read them. I've never tried to put mine in a tub of water for a bath (I use a wet washcloth), but I'm sure this is the reaction I would get!
They love to bring you gifts (?) to show they care. I have friends whose cats bring in dead birds, lizards, and even a snake! You should accept these gifts graciously because:
Did you ever notice how some dogs and cats get along? Sometimes, it's okay. Other times? Well...........
And on that note, it's time to close down the blog for today. Hope you enjoyed! Please share any attitudes you laugh at with your cats.
Marion Lovato is the author of Sam, the Superkitty. Her book
describes an ordinary cat changing into a superhero to protect his
family from things that go bump in the night. Available on Amazon as a
paperback or Kindle edition.